Tasty Frozen
Treats for Pets

What feels better than snacking on a popsicle or on a bowl of ice cream on a hot summer day? Not much, right? Your dog or your cat could probably agree. After all, they are known to be most often than not stomachs on 4 legs! And summer heat can be hard on their furry bodies.

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Here are eight easy frozen treats recipes that your pet will love:

 1. Frozen broth cubes

Just pour beef or chicken broth with no salt added in an ice cube tray, and put the tray back in the freezer. Your dog will LOVE these treats! To make these treats even more exciting, hide your pet’s favorite Oven-Baked Tradition treats in each cube before freezing them. These will be a neat surprise when your dog crunches or licks the cube.

2. Frozen yogurt

Fill an ice cube tray with plain yogurt, lactose free if necessary, put the tray in the freezer, and after a couple of hours, you’ll have a very healthy treat to give to your cat or to your dog on special occasions.

3. A frozen Kong

Fill your dog’s Kong with its regular Oven-Baked Tradition kibbles, and spread some peanut butter or cream cheese in the Kong and on its openings. This treat is not only tasty and refreshing, but it also keeps your dog’s mind active and busy while it licks its way into the Kong. For a low-calorie snack option, you could also close one end of the Kong with a tape or previously frozen peanut butter, add a couple of OBT treats, and pour chicken or beef broth before putting your Kong in the freezer.

4. Frozen tuna

You will need another ice cube tray! Fill each cube with canned tuna and some water, and freeze away. Cats and dogs go crazy for these simple and healthy treats.

5. Peanut butter popsicles

Your dog will LOVE these. And you will probably do too. Mix well 3 big tablespoons of peanut butter, 3 ripped and mashed bananas, and a small container (32 oz) of plain yogurt. Pour into a popsicle tray or a regular ice tray, freeze, and enjoy! Don’t forget to leave some for your pets!

6. Frozen baby food

Lamb, beef, chicken, pumpkin, cheese…just buy a baby food flavour that you know your pet will love, and serve it while it is still frozen. Could it be any easier?

7. Frozen cheese

All dogs and all cats love cheese! Well, usually! Fill an ice cube tray with cottage cheese, and add a couple of tiny bits of another more flavoured cheese like cheddar. Freeze, and serve!

8. Frozen sardine popsicles

Cats LOVE sardines. Put in a blender a can of sardines, ¼ cup of olive oil, ¼ cup of water, and some of your cat’s favorite treats, and blend well. Pour into a small ice cube tray, freeze, and watch your cat go crazy when you give it one of these frozen treats.