The first snowflakes have arrived to the delight of some and the misery of others. Does your canine companion tolerate the cold? Here are some tips and activity ideas to enjoy winter with a dog sensitive to cold.

Just like humans, some dogs will need a coat and boots to fully enjoy winter. For example, puppies, short-haired dogs and senior ones are more sensitive to cold temperatures. In addition to keeping them warm, this equipment can limit the formation of snowballs in their fur and protect their paws from toxic ice melt products that are spread in the streets. Gradually introduce these accessories, with delicious Oven-Baked Tradition treats. Your canine companion may be inhibited at first, but it will be grateful to find some comfort while playing outside later. With that being said, even dogs who are sensitive to cold still need to spend their energy outside, in order to maintain good health.
Do you need to run some errands? What if I told you there’s a way you can do it with your canine friend? Pet shops, dog cafes, some restaurants and some stores allow dogs. In the province of Quebec, we can think of Quartier DIX30 which has more than 110 dog-friendly stores or certain hardware stores like Canadian Tire. However, always make sure with the manager beforehand, as the regulations may be different from one store to another, even if they are under the same banner.
This type of activity will allow your dog to do its physical exercise in the warmth, to have several visual, olfactory, and auditory stimulation as well as to socialize with humans or its peers. You can also take the opportunity to improve its education with a few training sessions. Also, if you want, there are several accessories to let people know that your dog needs space or not to disturb it while it is training.
When the weather forecast calls for freezing rain or periods of extreme cold, all dogs need to stay warm. Sometimes it is wiser to stay inside the house and entertain your dog in other ways. For example, you can try to feed your canine companion its meals with interactive puzzle toys. Also, we recommend to always keep natural chewing items in stock as well as our tasty treats for training sessions or olfactory scavenger hunts. You could also schedule some playtime with your dog’s favorite canine friend to come spend some time at home to stretch its paws.
When your canine companion is completely exhausted, end the day in the comfort of your blankets and watch your favorite shows together. Who said that dogs who are sensitive to cold couldn’t enjoy winter?