Summer is made for playing outside! And who wouldn’t love to enjoy it with their dog? We try as much as possible to include them in our leisure time and to avoid their sad look when we have to leave them alone at home on a beautiful sunny day. In addition, aquatic activities are perfect for keeping our canine companions active while minimizing the impact on their joints. But how can you enjoy the moment while keeping your furry friend safe?


First of all, does your dog like water? Does it know how to swim? If the answer is no, start by going to play where its legs will touch the bottom. Bring its favourite Oven-Baked Tradition treats to enhance the experience and make it more enjoyable. Use a very long leash in order to give it the freedom to explore, but also to make sure you’re able to bring it back, in case it panics and move further away, into a deeper area. Put on a life jacket to get it used to wear one without being inhibited. This will give it more confidence and help it to learn how to swim with it on. Finally, don’t forget to bring toys that float and get wet with too!


If your canine companion can swim, it is time to introduce it to your watercraft. Whether it’s a paddle board, a kayak, a canoe… We strongly recommend that you initiate it to the craft on land beforehand. Let it explore and reward it with tasty treats when it tries to get in or on the watercraft. When you navigate the water, you might experience some turbulences where everything is unstable. We want to avoid your dog from panicking, so it doesn’t try to jump in the water or worse, make everyone capsizing. It’s even better if your dog already knows the basic commands “sit”, “lie down” and “stay”.


Now that your dog is comfortable with your nautical transportation, it’s time to get on the water! Start in shallow areas and always make sure it has its life jacket on. Even if your dog is a good swimmer, it doesn’t mean it’s safe a bad fall or exhaustion. Accidents can happen so fast, even with precaution. Also, it will be much easier to get it back on the watercraft with the use of the handle on the top of its life jacket.

For this first experience, start by staying close to the shore, don’t go too fast and prioritize a short outing. Don’t forget to bring fresh water to drink! This will prevent diarrhea and poisoning from algae and cyanobacteria.

During the activity, do not hesitate to stop on beaches and take short breaks. This will allow your dog to stretch its paws and cool off.

We hope this helped you discover a new way to have fun with your dog. Enjoy your adventures!